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The Porafatell War

Some claim that as the ships were warping out they saw another smaller fleet move out in another warp point, the Porafatells.

With the Patacs now holding 13 galaxies under their rule it was inevitable that they would soon meet up with the fabled Porafatell evacuation Fleet. That time finally came, it had turned out that the Porafatells had become a wondering nomadic race, while the Patacians grew, and had eventually came to a new galaxy where they settled. As nomadic wanderers they had met a lot of new races and had made many allies that would help them when the time came. It came, when the two "races" saw each other the old feelings for each other arose once again inside both of the them.

The Patacs, being the more aggressive, attacked the ships destroying one and severally damaging the other until their lone ship was destroyed. The damage on the other ship was not severe enough, as it turned out, to prevent the ship from limping back to Porafatell space. They saw this as an act for war, which it was, and immediately attacked several Patac colonies and destroyed them. The Patacs retaliated and destroyed several Porafatell outposts and three of their fleets with only minimal loses on their side.

And thus began the age old killer, war, both sides getting harder and harder to beat until someone invents a super weapon. Someone did this time, the Patacs, and they used it very abundantly on the Porafatells. What this weapon did was when detonated in a sector of a galaxy it would destroy the surrounding suns for up to 20 systems around it in any direction.

This weapon was a massive killer in the Porafatell War, so bad in fact the Porafatells eventually surrendered all of their forces and remaining galaxies. But the Patacs didn't come out unscathed, they had also suffered severe loses on their side to. In all the Patacs had lost approximately 5 galaxies and they had destroyed around 7 others making it impossible to live in them. But the Patacs did gain 4 new galaxies with the Porafarell's surrender giving them 12 galaxies in all.

With the new "victory" the Patacians decided not to war for a while and instead colonize and control more galaxies. They did this and instead of killing races the offered the races a place among the empire. And so the Patacs soon had an record 20 galaxies in their control. This life for them went fine until one day a new race came into Patac space, the Borfalkian Empire. The Borfalkians came into Patac space and met a lone Patac patrol ship and the Borfalkian ship claimed the space he was in as Borfalkian space. But there was something the Borfalkian didn't know, it was Patac space and when the Patacian patrol ship received that message he attacked the Borfalkian starting the largest conflict in both empires history.

Ancient History
The Porafatell War
The Great War
How Home Was Lost