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<---Back to LibraryThe Great War
The Borfalkians came into Patac space and met a lone Patac patrol ship and the Borfalkian ship claimed the space he was in as Borfalkian space. But there was something the Borfalkian didn't know, it was Patac space and when the Patacian patrol ship received that message he attacked the Borfalkian starting the largest conflict in both empires history.So it began, the longest and largest conflict in Patacian history, but the Patacs didn't think the race that they now fought was a real threat, no it had to be another small empire. But they were wrong, not only was this empire very large it was in fact larger in space owned than Patac. While the Patacian Empire had 20 galaxies the Borfalkians had 21 1/2, but the because the Patacs were natural warriors they had the same in overall force. The first major battle took place in the Galaxy Hesra II in a system owned by Patac, Goonsanda.
It was a bloody battle, each side lost hundreds of ships and thousands of men. In fact the very ship that started the war was destroyed in the confusion and death. When the last weapon was fired and the last ship destroyed the Patacs found that they had won but at a terrible cost, the very planets they were fighting for in the systems had been destroyed and everyone on them killed. This major blow dealt to both sides caused a massive build up in both of their forces and the next time they would meet it wouldn't be just one system that would feel the battle.
Some people say that the next battle was actually the first major battle in the war because it was nothing compared to the "skirmish" that took place in Goonsada. It was a bright clear morning in the capital on Patac Prime, the leader of Patac, Emperor Di'shra Indigard IV had just finished making the morning news speech. Suddenly one of his generals burst into his throne room waving a MultiPADD in the air, he ran up to the emperor. Without waiting for the emperor to say anything he began to tell of how a scouting party had picked a ship up on their scanners, they identified it as a Borfalkian frigate. So the scouting party attacked and destroyed the ship with no resistance, it didn't even fire back once, more scans later revealed it to be a floating hulk, a decoy. In fact the ships computer was programmed to send a signal to the main "Invasion Fleet" as soon as it was attacked. It did and the last thing received from the scouting party was that they saw a massive line of grey moving toward them, light years long in fact and then the signal was lost. The line turned out to be a massive invasion fleet, thousands upon thousands of warships all moving toward the Patacian Empire.
The emperor jumped from his chair and yelled into a empire wide intercom system, he told everyone to prepare for a invasion fleet and ordered all available ships to converge on the Borfalkians. He also ordered shipyards to quadruple all warship productions and research facilities to work on as many weapons as they could.
And so the battle began, the first wave of Patacian ships attacked destroying hundreds until they themselves were destroyed. The Borfalkians then began destroying planets as they passed, and once that was done, they would destroy the suns. The Patacians continually attacked the fleet weakening it every attack but not stopping the ever forward movement. And then it happened, the Patacs had gathered a fleet of equal size and it was waiting for them, waiting to kill them. They met and a clash was heard that has never been equaled before, hundreds upon hundreds of vessels all ramming into each other and then came the sound of explosions followed by weapons fire. The confusion was immense but unstoppable, people and ships dieing everywhere, the fleets were killing each other without remorse. Whole cruisers would be destroyed by fighters in the dozens, both sides were losing greatly. Yet the Borfalkian fleet appeared to continue moving onward into Patacian space, but the Patacians were moving toward Borfalkian space, and it was then that both sides realized that if they let the other side continue unstopped both empires would die. So the fleets turned and continued on with the death match.
The battle waged on for weeks, not once was there a time when ships rested, always fighting and always there was death. Then on the 10th week the last shot was fired and the last ship destroyed in what is now known as the largest battle in all history. No battle after that one has ever been as large for what the both sides had done in the battle was they sent all of their available forces into the battle. The Borfalkian Invasion fleet was all of their ships, for they wanted to end the war with one swift stroke. The Patacs had sent all of their ships in order to make sure they weren't wiped out in one swift stroke and both forces lost all of those ships.
The war after the battle was never as brutal, because both sides lost millions of ships and men they had to rebuild. In all the Great War continued on for more than 3000 years, and like the Porafatell War this one would come to an end with a Super-weapon. The Patacs developed chip that could instantly vaporize the opposite sides men when fired at them, but the Borfalkians had spies and they to developed a chip. So when the chip in Patac was put into use, so was Borfalkians. Hundreds of men died in only a couple of months because now both sides couldn't afford to lose a lot a ships so most battles where planetary.
Both sides were once again equal in force and the Patacs now had a new emperor, Ronan Tibinus I. He saw the dilemma and he did what no other Patacian emperor would dream of doing, he proposed a peace treaty. Now the Borfalkian empire had become tired of war along with most Patacians, they had both lost billions of people. Both empire's sizes were also reduced, the Patacs went from 20 galaxies to 5 and the Borfalkians from 21 1/2 to 7, so the emperor of Borfalkia accepted the treaty proposal. The treaty was signed by both the Patacian and Borfalkian emperors in free space on a planet known a Dirinial 7 and because of that the alliance has been known as the Dirinial Alliance ever since. Peace was now the dominator between these two super-powers.
The Patacians wanted a new face after their war so it was agreed that the name of the empire would be changed form "The Patac Empire" to "The Vokell Empire". The new era had begun, new galaxies had to be colonized for if the Vokell wanted to reach their old 20 they had to start then. Even today the Vokell Empire is just beginning to equal the size and splendour of what they used to be.
Ancient History
The Porafatell War
The Great War
How Home Was Lost