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How Home Was Lost

After the Great War the two allied empires went into a great revolution of research and exploration. War was no longer the driving force for their people. During this time the population grew and planets were colonized in the hundreds.

One of the many achievements of these times was the development of blast shields and high powered Hyper Jump engines. But the Vokell Empire was not entirely satisfied with colonizing in such close perimeter to another race, mainly the Borfalkian Empire. So scientists began working on what they called..."The Universe Tunnel". This device they believed would carry them Trillions of light years away thus allowing colonization of far away galaxies.

The work on "The Universe Tunnel" was a long and difficult one. Some people believed that it could never be built, others believed that the scientist had their facts wrong. The latter believers believed that the device was actually a Dimensional Portal device (That's right, similar to "The Shifter"). Never the less the determined scientist continued to build the device.

Finally after 200 years of development, "The Universe Tunnel" was completed. Testing was done because the government was losing faith in the plan and was about to back out their financial support. So hundreds of colony ships, defence ships and scientific vessels all gathered around "The Universe Tunnel" ship and prepared to go through.

The ship activated, and as soon as the first test ship entered a massive explosion occurred from the rift. All the ships surrounding the device had disappeared and a massive shock wave was sent out from the explosion. This shock wave spread through large parts of Vokell Empire and eventually into the Borfalkian Empire's territory. Everything that this wave touched disappeared from where it had been, people, ships and planets.

When the wave finally dissipated, large parts of the Vokell and Borfalkian Empires were gone from that universe. "The Universe Tunnel" had in fact been a dimensional portal opener, and it had overloaded when the test ship had entered it. Those parts of the Empires had been moved to this universe, the one where inter-system travel was done via many warp points in space.

All the things that had disappeared had either been set in space if that is where it had originated from, or on a planet if also for that reason. So now all know that the Vokell and Borfalkian Empires are not truly native to this universe, or the Mok.

Ancient History
The Porafatell War
The Great War
How Home Was Lost