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Ancient History

Over 5 millennia ago on a planet in the void of space a race began to grow, a race of warriors, a race of conquerors.

On a planet know as Patac a small tribal nation flourished into a country that soon found that they were not alone on their planet, no there were other nations. The nation of Patac decided that they wanted the land that these new nations had, the nations wouldn't give it to them so the Patacs attacked them. Of course the Patacians had a stronger nation and the other nations where quickly wiped out,and this made the Patacians want to conquer more for now they had the taste of victory in their blood. So finding no other nations on their planet they began to war with each other and soon the nation was split in half, the Patacs on one side of the planet and the Porafatells on the other. These two nations faught each other for decades with each country developing new weapons all the time. The fighting never really stopped it just slowly died down to small brawls. This allowed the Patacs to develop the first orbital satellite which was named "Gonsara" after the emperor of the time.

The Patacs then saw a new adversary to conquer and a massive adversary at that, Space. So the long haul began, new space vehicles were constantly being developed, and soon they had landed men on both of the planets moons. It was then decided that a probe was to be sent outside of their system and it was soon done.

Years past before the probe reach another system, many wars had been fought with no victories, newer space technologies had also been developed making the outdated probe obsolete long before mission was completed. The Patacs had developed Spacecraft that had discovered warp points leading out of their system to other systems. In one of these systems the Patacs found a star that appeared younger and smaller than their big red one, so tests where conducted on both stars and yes theirs was older. The tests also revealed that theirs was so old that it was going to super-nova in less then 30 years.

The Patacians seeing their doom at had quickly rallied together all the ships and people on the planet so as to prepare for the planetary evacuation. New ships were also designed to accommodate the now large empire, colony ships and population transports. With only a mere 10 months left the Patacian evacuation fleet began to leave their home system. Some claim that as the ships were warping out they saw another smaller fleet move out in another warp point, the Porafatells.

The new system which they warped into was then names Patac Minor and the first suitable planet was colonized. The following year the rest of the planets in the system were also colonized making them more powerful than before, and soon they had the power equal to 13 galaxies.

Ancient History
The Porafatell War
The Great War
How Home Was Lost