The Element

The Element, the Substance that is Mok, the substance that makes us what we are.

The Element will do whatever you want it to...if you know how to control it. It's power is beyond all know Empires and it's deadliness is beyond all now killers. The Element can control you or you it, it can become whatever it wants...or whatever you want. It has a memory like no computer, it remembers all faces, all races and all debts. If you can control the Element and hold its power, you can do almost anything.

What is the Element?

The Element is a a life found only in a dimension inside of a dimension. It can only be acquired by sending your bodies energy into that sub-dimension and extracting it by coaxing it out. If you can do this, you can either become powerful or you will fall to it's control and it's power. If you can control it you can build anything, you can be anything and you can destroy almost everything.

The Element is not a native black color. in fact it comes in all know colors. It is usually found in a clear state, but if you can do it, you can change it into any color:

These are the 4 basic colors of the Element, they are honoured in our Empire emblem.

It can reflect any colors if it chooses, or it can absorb any color so that it looks like something it is not. It can absorb any life form to fit it's needs or reject it and kill it.

Many have tried to wield its power, and many have failed. Many have won it's favour, but few have kept it. But we, the Mok Empire, can not only wield it's power...we can control it.

The question you must now ask yourself is can you hold its power for your will, or will you be absorbed like so many other races?

Whatever your answer, the choice is not really yours to make, for when it or we find you, you will be Mokified. Until then, remember...All sentient life will be Mokified, it's just a matter of time.