Mok Racial Database
This page contains information on the Mok, intruders will be Mokified.
Basic Information
We are a race of purely mechanical beings, we are sentient life forms. We are determine to destroy all inferior life forms, and Mokify all intelligent life forms. We can take on the appearance of anyone we have ever Mokified. On the average we appear to be liquid black and we have glowing eyes of many colors. We are composed of a liquid metallic element which is our most highly kept secret, all our ships and our people are composed of this element.
Process of Mokification
Mokification is a fast and painless transformation from an organic life form into a Mok. The process starts when a already Mok finds a suitable life form, then from the palm of the hand of the Mok, shoots a rush of adrenaline into the body of the life form strengthening him so the life form is strong as a Mok. Then the Mok fires a small condensed ball of the element we are made of. Now the liquid moves through the body changing everything into itself, it also creates a communication link in the brain to the rest of the Mok. Now the life form is complete and perfect and will live until destroyed by some other force other then Mok.
Here are the vessels that we used before the discovery of "The Element"
Here are the vessels currently in use and enhanced with "The Element"