General History
The Borfalkian and Vokell Empire's, once hated enemies to each other but now they have the closest possible alliance with each other. For 3000 years they fought against each other for control of power, they killed each other heartlessly and slaughtered millions with out regret. They where the farthest things from friends but close in the fact that they wanted each other dead.
They met one day when the Vokell, who where called the Patacs at the time, where on a routine scout mission. So the Patacs being the war like race attacked when the other ship contacted them, and the battle ended with the Borfalkian ship being destroyed and the Patac ship badly damaged. So the war began and lasted for approximately 3000 years.
This war eventually led to billions of deaths and millions of ships lost to massive battles. This war also cost the two empires dozens of galaxies, Patac went from 20 to a mere 5, but the Borfalkians went from 21 1/2 to a small 7. Even though the Borfalkians had more galaxies the Patacs equalled it with force, brutality and man power thus creating an equal match between the two.
It wasn't until the development of the so-called "chip" that the two forces realized that no one was going to win. The chip was designed to incinerate the enemy by evaporating them into nothingness, thus not allowing the enemy to heal in any way. It was then decided that the war must end by none other than the Patac Emperor, the very people who started it all. Then on the planet known as Dirinial 7, located in free space, the peace treaty was signed between the two forces.
Alliance Goals
The Dirinial Alliance follows very strict goals, each one is considered a rule that all empires within must follow. Those found to be not living by the goals will be punished accordingly.
Below are the primary goals of the Dirinial Alliance, may they stand for all time:
- All Empires within the Dirinial Alliance swear not to attack other members of the Alliance.
- When another member of the Alliance is attacked than all other members swear to help the one in need.
- All members of the Dirinial Alliance must have a Military Treaty or above with the rest of the Alliance members.
- To maintain peace within the Alliance.
- To expand the size of all Alliance members with help from other members.