The War of the Rods of Power
The Nichar Empire went into a state of emergency after the discovery of the dark power rising in the once Da’Al lands. The old library vaults were ordered open and the librarians were given the task of learning the ways of magic in order to battle the reincarnated Seltvi. Corruption in the Nichar Empire had already begun, the emperor had sailed an army of most of the men in the empire to the Da’Al lands to battle the enemy, but there all were destroyed. An advisor who had been taken over by the evil had also corrupted the emperor’s son back in Nichar. Thus the emperor child attempted to ban the learning of magic and the people who knew the danger that was rising were forced to assassinate him, and the advisor. Once the leadership had been given to someone who wanted to defend the empire, things were started to save the empire.
The librarians were once again given permission to learn the ways of magic. Ships were sent out to search for Vorons (wizards) who could help defeat Seltvi, or objects to help their own wizards. Scouting parties were sent out upon the land to also find these now needed things. One of these parties consisted of ten men; the leader of them was Commander Deval. After this party had been out searching for nearly a month, Seltvi invaded the Nichar Empire. The party received word of this and later that night were attacked by a group of Black Elves. Four men died in the attack, and an evil blade wounded one. However the attackers were all killed by the party’s enchanted swords, which were given to them by the Nicharian wizards (librarians). Soon however the party saw that the Black Elves swords were also enchanted, for the man who’d been wounded soon began to change into a bloodthirsty maniac.
Along the way the party came to a village on the outskirts of the empire were the people claimed to be part of another nation. The villagers then took up arms against the party and were then all killed. Along the way after the massacre, the man who was now almost completely changed began talking about the killing, thus giving away his change were he was then killed. Before this however he let slip the information of the Rod of Baladret, thus giving the party something to look for in the destruction of Seltvi. With their newfound information the party continued northward. The journey was mostly uneventful, no new attacks and no more traitorous villages. Then a couple days after the village massacre the party stumbles onto something the least expected, a Da’Al city. The party is forced to remove their weapons before entering the city, their enchanted blades.
Making their way to the cities capital temple they see other Nicharians walking about and learn that the city is a major trading point for the outer villages. All seems peaceful, except for the fact that there is still slave trade being conducted. The men meet no resistance however, and the make it to the capital building. Only two of the men are allowed to enter, Commander Deval and the only one in the party who understands Da’Al, Lieutenant Fredistal (Fred). The leader, or ‘The High Priest,’ welcomes them to the city and acts very hospitable to them at first. That is until they ask for the rod, which so happens to be in their custody. The priest tells them no and that they must leave, all three of them. Commander Deval and Fred learn that 2 of the men were taken as slaves as payment for seeing the leader. This fact is protested, which ultimately leads to all of the party being captured and taken as slaves.
After being locked up the party is all bought separately, except for Deval and Fred, who are bought by the same fat, rich farmer. They are taken to the outskirts of the city, outside the walls, were they are whipped until they agree to work. Fred agrees far earlier then Deval, and he is soon working in the fields. Deval, however, is far less agreeable, and not till he loses his thumbnails does he agree. He does not work heartily either, he only works to look for an opportunity for escape. He cannot collaborate with Fred anymore, for he had been moved to working in the house as the fat man’s wife’s servant. After nearly two weeks of working in the fields, and countless whippings, Deval is given his chance for escape. The people of the Da’Al city have a time of no work; it is a time to worship the rod for its protection. On this particular day the High Priest also unveils the enchanted swords of the party members. They say that they will research the swords to learn of their enchantment and make their own.
Deval and Fred had been brought to the worship, but in separate carts. Deval sees Fred and calls out to him to try and get him to escape, Fred does not agree to. But luck was on Deval’s side, the slave guard who whipped Deval all the time, hears the two talking and comes over to put an end to it. Deval takes his chance and kills another nearby slaver. Taking that one’s sword he begins to fight the nemesis slaver and eventually killing him. But as the slaver was dying he managed to cut off Devals left thumb with his last breath. Losing no time, Deval runs off and hides in the city until night, then he comes out with the idea of taking the rod and his sword. Along the way he sees another of his men, Joesta (Joe), sewing in a house. He tries to convince him to come along, but it is in vain, Joe sounds the alarm and Deval is once again forced to hide. The next morning Deval once again decides to attempt taking the rod and the swords. While walking by a blacksmith shop he sees one of his other men, his youngest, Billew (Bill). Together they did away with Bill’s captors and made their way to the capital temple. Disguised as weapons delivery slaves from the blacksmith shop they were able to get into the temple. After killing a couple priests they managed to make it to the head priest’s office. Once inside the negotiations went poorly and the head priest was killed.
Taking the rod and the enchanted swords the two made quick their escape. Making their way down to the front gate the two did away with the guards and managed to steal two horses. The two then went out of the city and made their way to Deval’s old captor’s house to convince Fred to join them on more time. Once there they didn’t convince him, instead Deval Killed him and Bill killed all the guests at the party. Along with them Deval killed his old captor then they left for Nichar. It was mainly uneventful until they reached the outskirts of Nichar territory; it was in no way what it used to be when they left it a month ago. The forests were all overgrown and full of evil creatures; several times they nearly lost their lives passing through it. Once Bill was almost killed by some sort of vines while he was talking to no one in particular. Eventually however they finally made it to a Nichar town, but there they found it completely destroyed and all in it dead. As they traveled farther into the Nichar lands they saw more and more of the death and destruction brought on by the minions of Seltvi.
Finally the travelers came to what appeared to be a massive battleground, thousands upon thousands of dead soldiers lay strew about, both Nicharian and those of the Dark armies. Continuing further they saw that the battle kept going in nearly straight line towards the Nicharian capital city. Then nearly 2 days of traveling along in the middle of the bloody battle ground, the death count was now easily a million, the heard the sounds of battle. The two men discarded their old comrades enchanted swords amongst the dead, and drew their own. They then charged head long towards the sound of battle, once arriving at it they saw that their own forces were dwindling considerably under the weight of the evil forces. The people fighting appeared to be mostly peasants, and they were failing fast. Deval saw that they had no hope of brining the rod safely to the capital, so he bore it forth and held it high for all to see, and then he charged at the battle. The Black Elves, seeing the rod, cried out and parted the way for it for they were deathly afraid of it. As the travelers passed through the battle they came to a ridge and saw their own forces all camped there. Making their way forward the asked a man where they could find a wizard, and they were told to make haste to the capital.
To the capital they galloped for, and as they left the camp there was a great wrenching sound as the ground in front of them was torn up in a great wall of rock. In the sky they heard the sound of great wings coming their way, the sound of a great flying beast. Looking up they saw a great black dragon flying towards them, and it came and landed in front of them on the top of the rock wall. A figure cloaked all in black stepped off and stood before them, all that could be seen of him was his long white fingers. Bill looked up and said aloud, “Seltvi,” for this is whom he had been talking to in the forest, and he began to dismount his horse to bow to him. Before his foot touched the ground, he and his horse were both turned into nothing but dust by a blast from the rod of Seltvi. Seltvi then turned to Deval and said in a deep commanding voice, “give me the rod!” Deval felt a great struggle within himself, and he could feel the rod slipping from his grasp. He knew that now he must hold on for the entire world, for it Seltvi got control of the rod all the world would be lost.
With a great conflict inside he said, “No!” Seltvi lifted his rod high, preparing for another blast. Deval too held the rod of Baladret high as well, and as the blast came it met his rod and was absorbed doing no harm to Deval. Then from behind Deval he saw a wizard with a great army of Nicharians behind him coming towards him. As the wizard drew near he called to Deval, “Throw me the rod!” But Deval could see an evil gleam in his eyes and Deval once again said, “No!” The evil wizard then rushed at Deval, but before he could lay a hand on him, Deval had taken his head clean off. The Nicharian army following him then disappeared, leaving no trace that they had ever been there. Deval once again felt the rod being torn from his grasp, but he held onto it. Looking behind him again Deval saw another wizard running his way, but before he could reach him Seltvi had turned him into dust. “Now release to me the rod!” cried Seltvi. “Never!” came Deval answer, “I will never give it to you!”
Seltvi laughed, but his laughter soon faded and he cried out with a slight sound of fear in his voice, “YOU!” Deval once again turned and saw striding towards them the most powerful wizard of the Nicharian Empire, Boltes Unsentar. “Deval,” cried Boltes “throw me the rod so that we can rid the world of this evil.” Deval, not knowing what made him trust the wizard, threw the rod to him. The clash of powers then began, evil against good. The power was so great that soon there was a bright light emanating between the two wizards that was too bright to look upon. Then there was a loud bang; Deval and the horse were thrown from the center of the power battle. The ground shook and the sky shot forth lightning, then all was still, all was calm. Deval felt broken and weak, but he opened his eyes and looked about him, the place where he had been was now nothing but a great crater in the ground. There was no more Seltvi, and no more Boltes. There was no more rods of power either, no traces of them could be seen anywhere. The Black Elves that had been fighting with the Nicharians suddenly all turned to dust, and the evils in the forest disappeared. All the rents in the ground closed up, and the many volcanoes that had been formed stopped their flow of lava.
The power of Seltvi had been broken, and both his and Baladret’s were destroyed, the rods of power were no more. The Nichar Empire was now in ruins, nearly three quarters of the empire had been destroyed, and millions of people were now dead. In the end Seltvi, even though he seem vanquished thousands of years ago, managed to destroy the Da’Al Protectorate, and almost all of the Nichar Empire. He had managed to do more then he had when he was first alive, and in doing so he not only eventually lost his own life, but he killed millions upon millions for the shear pleasure of ruling the world. Now that his rod was destroyed however his power can no longer flourish, he can no longer hurt the world in any way. Out of all of this one thing remains for sure, the rods of power had been destroyed.
Compiled by Matthew Grafstrom