Many years ago in the age of magic, before the Nichar Empire or the Da’Al Protectorate, there was a man named Seltvi. He was an apprentice under a Voron (wizard) named Hassag in the Great Golden Palace of Vorons, called Attamillar, on the floating island of Vivenek. At first Seltvi was an honest man, wanting to learn the good ways of the Voron, but soon he began to become interested in the ways of the Galaband (evil wizards). At first he was able to hide this fact from the rest of the Voron but eventually the head of the Voron council, Baladret the wise, discovered what Seltvi was learning. It was then decided by the council to control Seltvi’s learning. This feat was to be accomplished by the Rod of Baladret, the center of Baladret’s power. Baladret created the rod when he was a young Voron as a means to keep all of his good power forever intact. It was created from some golden colored metal that he had discovered buried in the floating land of Vivenek.
Seltvi soon learned that his learning was being controlled, how he found out no one knew, and he learned how it was. This fact intrigued him and he then set out to make his own rod of power. But when the Voron council discovered this, Seltvi was finally banished from Vivenek. Thus Seltvi descended from the island and wandered the world, with his already know knowledge of magic, until he reached a great canyon of stone in the midst of a great southern desert. Livings in this vast canyon were a people known as the Caradrin and they were rock elves. Seltvi was able to befriend these people and soon learned of a rare stone that they had discovered there. Seltvi took some of this stone and crafted it into a rod of his own. Unlike the golden colored rod of Baladret, this rod was of a deep silvery almost transparent hue.
Once the rod was complete Seltvi then poured all his power into it, and unlike the rod of Baladret, which was completely to benefit the world, Sletvi’s was for conquering and ruling. Seltvi then declared himself ruler of the Caradrin and used his rod to force the people into building a great city in the canyon where he would rule them. But Seltvi soon learned that some were able resist his rods power and this infuriated him, so using his knowledge of how magic worked and what it could do he began to create his own
‘Art.’ With his new ‘art’ (which only he knew) Seltvi was able to have complete control over all weak-minded people as he wished, and soon he learned to gain control of the elements. As his ‘Art’ grew and he learned how to control more things he became more and more evil, a true Galaband.
This new disturbance in the balance of power did not go unnoticed by the Voron though. Baladret was able to tell that things in the world were being changed, and not for the greater good. A meeting was called to decide what must be done, and it was decided that whatever was happening must be stopped. Although before the meeting ended the floating island began to move south as if pushed by an invisible hand. Soon the land was right over top of the great southern desert near to Seltvi’s city. Then out of no were Seltvi was in the middle of the meeting room (for all the council chairs were in a great circle around a speaker platform). To all the appearance of Seltvi was greatly changed, no longer did have the look of a young man, but instead he looked as one who had worked hard and long and who had done evil things. But about him he had the full look if great power, and all those about him felt it.
One of the Voron stood and was about to say something when Seltvi suddenly lifted his hand in the man’s direction and the man was picked up from his feet and thrown so hard against the wall that it cracked. The Voron man slumped to the ground greatly injured and Seltvi turned to him and spoke, “I did not come to speak to you fool.” Then turning to Baladret he said, “release to me your rod, or I will destroy you and all in this palace.” Instead of answering, Baladret leapt from his seat and rushed at Seltvi, but before he reached him a great wall of flame sprang up between them. “Fool, do you really think you can harm me,” Seltvi laughed evilly at him, “now you shall pay for your insolence.” The next second Seltvi was gone from the palace and back on the desert floor. Then lifting his rod in the direction of the floating land he said, “I command the sands to take you!” and as he said it a massive portion of the desert lifted into the air in a form of a giant hand. This hand reached for the floating land and slowly began to close around it. Very quickly the entire land was engulfed and falling into the desert below. As it came to a landing a giant sand whirlpool formed sucking the island in as the hand pulled it under also. Then soon the ancient floating island of Vivenek was gone.
Seltvi smiled evily, and then broke out laughing for his victory.
“Do not laugh so soon Seltvi,” he jumpe, someone was behind him, “I am still alive, and I will make you pay for this evil act.” It was Baladret, somehow he had escaped, but Seltvi’s surprise only lasted briefly.
“Baladret, how nice to see you alive,” he smiled cruelly, “I was greatly hoping you were powerful enough to survive for now I know the power your rod truelly holds.”
“You shall not have it Seltvi, and I if I must I will die before you even lay a finger on it.”
Seltvi looked at him coldly, then once again that evil smile reappeared, “very well Baladret, if I must I will fight you until you die, and then I will pry the rod from your lifeless hands.” With that Seltvi thrust his spear towards Baladrat, who stumbled back as he was hit by an electric charge. This the final battle began, the black blast marks can still be seen in the desert from it. The most prominent battle scar is one large black crater where the battle ended.
Both men now almost completely spent fall to the ground and just as Seltvi raised his rod for one final magical blow Baladret cried out. Then there was a bright searing hot flash as both men were vaporized. The two rods were thrown from their hands and out into the desert. Suddenly the rock elves realized that they were released from their bondage and they deserted the city of Rish’Tak, scattering abroad.
As the winds of time blew, he rods became buried, waiting for one day to be found.
Compiled by Matthew Grafstrom