Written by Matthew Grafstrom and Jed Anderson
Rak Idall slowly trudged his way through the muddy swampy waters of Retholl
4, his helmet was swiftly becoming damp inside from humidity. He knew he needed
to be very careful to avoid the Flesh Eater Eels as they could sense any sudden
movements and then he would surely be dead. Rak breathed heavily as he slowly
pulled his suited mass up onto a small moist isle, there he was able to rest for
awhile. Opening his helmet Rak looked around, his breathing mask still covering
his face. This Carbon Dioxide atmosphere was murder! Sweat poured off Rak's face
as he re-secured his helmet, then took careful steps back into the dark brown
He walked through through the murky water and came to a split in
the river. He thought for a moment about which way to go, he moved for the right
stream when he caught a glint of metal in the corner of his eye. Rak moved
slowly towards the object jutting out of the water, could it be what he was
looking for or just more debris. He reached down to pick the object up, it was
heavy what ever it was and stuck fast. Rak tried to move it again, this time
putting all his weight into it this time, he felt it move ever so slightly. One
more pull and he had the object out of the mud but still in the water. He picked
it up with both hands and lifted it to see. It was what he'd come for, the
portable power pod that he'd ejected before his untimely crash landing.
Suddenly there was a noise in the woods, he turned around to see what had made
it. Before him he saw a strange greenish colored snake creature slithered out of
a tree. Rak winced in disgust at the hideous creature. Then he took a closer
look at the forest behind the tree. Quickly wading over to the tree he could
make out some sort of structure. It appeared to be a long abandoned, alien
building! Rak moved closer then noticed a massive green crystal nestled in the
peak of the massive structure. The brown building was like the top half of an
oval that reached about 50 feet out of the jungle floor and the beams of the
strange brown stone that were very thick.
Rak's heart audibly thumped in his chest as he moved closer to the mysterious
building, what race constructed it, what mysteries did it contain? He walked up
to the building and touched the wall, the surface was warm and didn't have the
feel of metal about it. Rak began to search the building for an entrance. As he
looked he saw a large doorway covered in thick overgrown vines that he had to
tear down before he could enter the building.
He moved slowly into the building being very cautious of any dangers. He could
hear a soft hum, and he could feel the floor rumble softly vibrating the bottom
of his feet. Suddenly he could hear a voice which his universal translator
"You have just accessed the Malorian rejuvenation systems, thank you sir, you
have been detected as an intelligent life form and triggered our primary
computer system. Now commencing program Rebirth..."
Rak jumped at the sound of the electronic voice, "Oh crap, what the heck did I
just do?" He thought.
He could see strange computers emerge from the walls and power up, then out side
of the door way he viewed a bright green light begin glowing, Rak knew then that
the green emerald like stone on top of the structure must've been the source of
the fantastic illumination. Rak stood there a while in shock and then he again
heard the computer voice.
"176 quadrillion years ago this planet was the home world of a civilization
which possessed over 36 terra-clusters, in time through numerous circumstances,
they were slowly eradicated and they left behind them but one thing, the Rebirth
program. This program was designed to instigate when an intelligent life form
was detected with in these walls, it also was programmed to protect this planet,
even from super novas. You have been detected and the process has begun, the
computer has raised the the plants cities to original power levels." Rak stood
in complete amazement and then slowly fear began to over power his reaction."
"Terraforming is commencing, planetary defenses raised, artificial life
production instigated-" Rak cut off the computer, " What?! What are you doing?"
"I am the mission computer, I'm telling you of what is proceeding in mission
level stage one. But after the first million citizens have been raised to
restart the Malorian race, my artificial intelligence will be integrated into
your mind and we will become one, next your DNA will be changed to Malorian.
Then we will be the new rulers of Maloria forever. The first million will be
completed in 4 minutes, then Maloria can restart its quest for universal
domination once more."
"What?!! NO!" Rak desperately pulled out his weapon and tried to commit suicide,
the trigger had no effect.
"I'm sorry Rak, but soon you'll understand."
Suddenly a stasis field enveloped Rak's body, he couldn't move, couldn't do
anything but watch and listen.
Voices began to fill up the intercoms. "First million completed." The AI
concluded, installing memory files, mental cloning completed, Stage 1 complete."
Then another voice broke through, "AI this the first officer, have you created
the emperor yet?"
"Negative First Officer, please commence further cloning and standard Rebirth
protocols, prepare to secure the solar system, it's been 176 quadrillion years
since our sleep and we must restart the domination of the universe. Commencing
Stage 2." The computer closed the comm. link.
"Thank you for you ships computer core Rak, it will speed up out rebirth." Rak
was horrified, the computer was talking to him through his mind.
"What!? You bastard, let me go or I'll-" The Rak felt the stasis field
deactivate and he dropped to the floor, he felt a numbing sensation spread
through him and the voice in his head grow stronger, "I'm in you now Rak we are
becoming one person." Rak saw his skin turn dark green and ripple to life with
thick scales, he saw this as his eyes became a solid bright green color. He
could felt his spinal bones growing and ripping through his back into sharp
spikes as his whole skeleton burst into a thicker frame and shrank to a compact
height. He no longer heard the voice in his ear, he THOUGHT it, he was it, they
had merged. His new name was Emperor Ravk, leader of Maloria...and more
information than he thought possible flooded his mind, he now knew more than he
could imagine. He like his new self, Maloria's first task...populate the system,
he was aware of the billions of egg clusters already laid around and with in the
planet. Ravk smiled and contacted his first officer, "Odjort complete the 3rd
stage, and, oh, build me a battle ship, Neythar Class."
Odjort grinned, "Of course my eternal Emperor, you have returned, I will grow
your great vessel."
Ravk turned to the window and looked out, he could see the forest thickening
even more, the watery substance turned pasty, lightning shot down from the
clouds, and the jungle world pulsated with life. Soon his people would return to
space, and kill all in their path, they would regain their empire...Maloria
would be REBORN and once again fill the universe with their greatness.
Meanwhile in another system light-years away a race thrives with life. Gortall,
the 1st class Admiral for the Dorinian Imperial Empire, looked out the main
window on his battleship admiring the newly conquered territory of the Selentar
5 system. Gortall heard footsteps coming up behind him, he turned to see who it
was and standing there was his fleet commander Rotaren.
"What do you have to report commander" said Gortall commandingly.
"The system has been completely eradicated of the Selen race my Admiral and we
have taken all their worlds" replied Rotaren.
"Excellent, move my ship to the conquered Selen homeworld, I must meet our new
asteroid miners."
"Yes admiral"
The massive battleship Dagger 1 moved slowly towards the Selen homeworld, the
soft vibration of the large engines could be felt and the low hum of the Nova
power core could be heard. The world came into view of the main windows and
Gortall looked at it menacingly.
"Prepare my personal destroyer for landing commander and join me onboard in 20
minutes" said the Admiral.
"Yes oh gracious Admiral!"
Back on the Malorian homeworld of Maloria Ravk had completed stage 10, his
planet was secured with a population now over 35 billion people. Already all the
old cities were once again active, now it was time to leave the planet, this
solar system would be theirs!
Two days later Malorians spilled out across the system acknowledging the great
Emperor's commands, by the end of the month the system was crawling with
Malorians and a new massive ship yard was just being completed.
Now Ravk was permitted to use his best judgment to recommence the take-over
procedures. Millions of loyal Malorians were mining away in the moons and
asteroids, laboring to feed the growth of new cities and ships in the newly
constructed shipyard based on Maloria's moon.
Even now with the maturity of the great ship growth plants countless living
fighters, and other vessels were nearing completion. At last the Malorian Navy
would be reborn!
After the first fleet of ships was completed Ravk accessed the Star charts from
Rak's old vessel, he found out the general configuration of space for the
surrounding cluster, then he matched the star charts with the old ones.
Ravk found what he wanted, 3 other planets had been seeded with the Rebirth
program, but they were designed to assist Maloria in it's stellar expansion.
Gateways had already been set up, a million egg clusters on each beneath the
soil, along with 1 city upon each world too inhabit.
Ravk smiled an evil smile, he discovered that the one closest to them was
already inhabited, and in a state of war.....time to conquer.
Ravk ordered his loyal troops to the gateways that where already completed
throughout Maloria. Ravk knew that the other world probably had about
50,000-100,000 gates, but he needed to activate them first. So he sent out a
re-birth command signal to the un-activated planets, which restarted all the
gates, buildings, and egg hatching centers within the signals range.
Terraformation of the planets was also started, all of the planets had to be
forest, in 47 days they would be. Ravk laughed with triumph, then he ordered his
troops through, soon the galaxy would be his.
Mean while on the Selen homeworld Admiral Gortall was giving his speech of
triumph to his troops, and the conquered people of the Selen empire.
"Because of you, my loyal troops, we have conquered the Selen Empire and
stretched our own great empire to a new system in the galaxy..."
He was answered by a cheer from his troops followed by the sound of blaster fire
in the air as the fired their weapons in triumph.
"...And to you survivors of Selen you will be spared for your rebellion against
our empire, and you will serve us in our mines. Your cities are in ruins, but we
shall rebuild them in our manor and maybe someday your children's children will
be aloud to walk in it's streets. But today is your last day on your homeworld
and for some it is the last day that you shall ever see it again. But for those
who do see it, it will only be through slave ships and maybe as a distant star,
so enjoy while you still can."
The was a great shout from Gortall's men, they were cheering for Gortall saying
"Gortall, Gortall, Gortall" and then firing their weapons once again into the
Admiral Gortall looked down from his podium and gazed at the newly conquered
lands. He than raised his arms in triumph, his men doing the same, there was a
great noise of triumphant cheers.
As Gortell stood in his moment of ultimate triumph, he felt the waves of cheer
washing over him and laughed with glee.
But as he smiled and exulted in his moment of glory he heard a different sound,
the sound of the ground rumbling. He turned around and behind him he saw a
massive structure rear out of the planets surface, lifting his drop ship up, up,
until it toppled and crashed below. He saw a green glow emanating from the
massive arch and as he look in horror he saw a massive green jewel at the top of
the structure. His men began to stop cheering, and their noise slowly faded
along with their smiles, which melted into looks of ultimate fear!
The middle of the giant arch appeared to be some sort of giant entrance, and as
it was filled with a solid green wall of light it's true purpose was shown.
Gortell heard new noises, it sounded like thousands of troops and vehicles
moving toward them. Gortell screamed in horror as what he heard became reality
all pouring from the arch.
"What the hell?!" Gortell's eyes were transfixed upon the mighty flow of alien
troops and vessels flooding from the arch.
"Sir we're receiving reports from all over the planet, there's...there's
millions of them, and an alien city has emerged above ground in the southern
hemisphere!" Gortell's 1st offecer reported.
"Who are the-" Gortell was cut off as all the comm. systems in the area began to
squelch and squeal with interference. Gortall soon felt the air getting heavier
and harder to breath, looking around he saw small clusters of white oval things,
about 4 feet long, begin growing from the ground...eggs!
Gortell screamed to his pilot beside him, "Find me a space worthy
"Y-Yes sir!"
After much confusion Gortell found a vessel and rushed to his command ship. Once
docked inside he took position on the bridge, "Report!"
"Sir we've detected approximately 1-2 million intelligent alien life forms, 1
million larvae, and millions of alien plants and animals spores all over the
planet. A large city has also appeared in the south western hemisphere, as well
as 100,000 gateways such as you just saw. We've detected that all of our troops
on the planet are either fleeing or dead, and the planet is under rapid
terraformation to a jungle CO2 planet!" Gortell's ensign said.
"My god who are these people?"
Then as if by response every comm link in the ship cleared up and began
transmitting, "Puny species of the Selan Empire and other races, thank you for
your computer banks, yes all vessels in this system have been scanned, Gortell
you will surrender you forces for DNA re-sequencing, prepare to be boarded. All
species will once again merge or be annihilated by the mighty Malorian Empire, I
am Emperor Ravk your new leader, welcome back to the Malor Empire."
Gortell sat up, "I don't think so, get us out of here ensign!"
Suddenly a dozen Malorian vessels impacted the command vessel and bored easily
through the vessels weakened hull. Malorian troops then began to flood onto the
Gortell screamed, "NOW Ensign!!"
The command ship shot into hyperdrive towards secure space, and limped its way
towards home with the wild Malorian intruders onboard. Gortell smashed his hand
against the armrest of his chair, "Victory was snatched from my hands! WHY?!"
Behind him he heard the screams and explosions of his once mighty fleet being
consumed my the Mallorian forces.
"Cut that transmission Commander!"
"Yes sir!" Silence resumed...a deadly silence as the crew fought for their
Emperor Ravk looked down at the computer screen grinning evilly.
"My plan is working perfectly, the planet has been completely absorbed into my
rule, and soon, we will once again rule the universe."
Gortell's ship straggled across space and he pondered what he should do upon
reaching the safety of his homeworld.
"Sir, we've lost the Mallorian ships, our vessel barely has the power to return
"Yes." Gortell continued. "Sweep the ship of any unknown bio-matter and kill of
the last of the intruders on board!"
"Yes sir."
Several days later Gortell arrived at home to report the horrible massacre that
had taken place.
The council of his Empire agreed to do something...they would make a counter
3/4 of the fleet would be sent to the invaded world with Gortell as Fleet
Commander, surely the Mallorian couldn't resist the power of the mighty fleet!
The Empire of Crahadronia will deliver it's rightful revenge!!
Meanwhile back on the Selen homeworld Ravk had arrived to personally over see
the establishment of a new mighty power center.
"My Emperor the power center is nearing completion" said Ravk's second officer.
"Excellent soon this planet will be the greatest planet, next to our homeworld,
in overall strength" Ravk growled with eagerness.
"Yes my emperor and then we can continue to expand your rule through out the
"Yes and when the base is complete we will finish off that pitiful Crahadronian
Empire before they even have time to realize what just happened to their troops"
laughed Ravk evilly.
The Crahadorian invasion fleet was moving swiftly to it's inevitable location,
the Selem world. No one on any of the ships knew what destiny awaited them, but
all knew that they must not fail.
Admiral Gortall now the commander of the Crahadronia invasion fleet stood gazing
out at the stars as they flooded past the window. His mind was bent on the
thought of reclaiming the world that had recently snatched from his grasp, he
had to have that world, the world he had worked so hard to conquer.
"Admiral there is a priority-one message for you from the emperor" came the
voice of the ships communication officer.
"Thank you Felso, I'll take it in the my quarters" Gortall turned and walked off
the bridge. He made his way to his quarters, his mind still wandered to that
voice...the voice of the invaders leader, emperor Ravk. He wanted to kill that,
that thing...he would kill it and all of it's people. Gortall arrived at his
quarters and told Felso to patch the message through, on Gortall's screen the
emperors face appeared.
"Admiral Gortall it is good to see that you are still alive" the emperor said.
"Thank you my emperor, and if I may ask you...what do you mean?"
"Are you saying that the battle has not yet begun, or is it over?" Gortall saw
the emperors face show concern.
"My emperor we have not yet had battle, one of our destroyer was caught in a
unexpected gravity-well and we were forced to stop and rescue survivors"
answered Gortall.
"I see, that gravity-well has never been noticed before, I am glad to hear that
your fleet did not have a major loss, but now on to the reason I why I have
contacted you."
"Yes emperor"
"We have received data back from the original probes launched after your return
home, the prospects of your inevitable battle are not good."
"Why is that my emperor?" Gortall's voice came out threatening.
"Gortall, we have counted millions of ships in the Selem system, and every
single is one of the Malorian Empire" the emperor said with a sound of defeat in
his voice. But Gortall noticed a trace of a smile on the emperor's face, one
that was only noticeable when fallowing a statement like the one he had just
Gortall made no hint that he had noticed the emperor's, or whoever he was,
mistake. "What do you suggest we do than my emperor?" he said convincingly. He
knew what he had to do, he had to tell his fleet to discontinue the attack and
flee to where they could build up a new empire and restart their people.