The Great War


It came to pass that in the 4th year of Yenta, a great evil took control of the Yimata Forest and the Torga Mountains. In liege with the evil were Orcs, Dragons and the Men of the North who were deceived by the evil. Although the evil was powerful, it did not have total control of the Ormatha Lands. To do this the evil had to have control of it occupants.

And it also came to pass that the Sartas, occupants of the Ormatha Lands, gathered together a great force to attack the evil, which they named Envilal. They meant to remove it from the lands it occupied. But the evil had many allies, which included the great spies of the Northern Men. The evil used these men to discover the plans of the Sartas and the evil gathered together a force of Orcs to stop the invasion.

When the Sartas' forces moved to attack, they found a violent opposition from the Orcs and soon their forces where overwhelmed and destroyed. Envilal, seeing only evil, ordered his Orc force to attack and ravage the remainder of the Sartas' people. His orders where carried out without hesitation and the people of the Sartas where all either killed or taken as slaves. All the while, Envilal grew more evil and more powerful as it absorbed the newly conquered lands into his realm.

The news of the defeated Sartas did not go unheard however, the other nations within the Ormatha lands decided that they needed to stop Envilal and held a great council to decide how. There was much debating amongst the people, but soon all came to the decision that they must gather all their forces together and attack Envilal. Then a lone Elf stood up and bade the council listen to his words, this Elf was named Morselt. He told the council that he was a descendant of the great elves that had once dwelt in the Torga Mountains. He said that he had been handed down the great key, the key of Astema, the key that would open the great elvish door of Asterma. He told that the door of Asterma was the dam that held back the elvish mountain river reservoir of Sarten'chara, the purest water in all of Ormatha. Morselt believed that the only way that the impure Envilal could be destroyed was to be bathed in the purest thing in the land. He knew that Envilal would not do so willingly, so the door had to be opened so that the water would cleanse the all in the Valley of the Yimata Forest, along with Envilal's Fortress of Doom. It was decided by all that the door of Asterma should be opened and Yimata Forest be cleansed.

Morselt set out on the journey to the elvish door, he along was the only one capable of opening it. As Morselt left the Ormatha lands that were still good, Envilal gathered together a great force of all his dark servants. A mass of Orcs, Dragons, Trolls and the Northern Men were ordered by Envilal to attack the Ormatha nations and in one swift stroke, take them. The first of the nations to feel the onslaught was Goforsad, and being unprepared for such a swift movement the Goforsad forces were soon surrounded. But their fighting did not go unaided for long, the three other nations began to march their troops into the battle, and the great clash between good and evil began. The first nation to enter into the fight was Seramto from Southern Ormatha, they managed to divide the enemies forces in half. The nation of Taparas from Eastern Ormatha attacked next and greatly reduced Envilal's eastern forces. The western forces of Envilal was then dealt a major blow by the nation of Zetorga from Western Ormatha. All the while Goforsadian forces weakened Envilal's forces from the inside.

It was a bloody battle, after only an hours worth of fighting the Zetorga forces had been defeated and the other remaining nations were also suffering heavy loses. But their fighting was not in vain, all the while Envilal's forces were becoming continually weaker and the battle soon entered it's final stage in the Yimata forest. The battle had draw near Envilal's Fortress of Doom, great billows of smoke and flame rose from one of the great spire towers, and the nations wondered at what evil sorcery Envilal was planning. Then it was suddenly made clear to all what Envilal planned, a great fire ball rose into the air and fell onto the battle. The fire storm smote many on both sides, scores of Ormatha soldiers where killed and many of Envilal's own also.

Meanwhile as the battle waged, Morselt had reached the peak on which the door of Asterma stood. From his vantage point Morselt could see the forest below him, great hectares were up in flames and the sound of battle met his ears. Morselt cried out at the top of his lungs down into the valley below, "Envilal, you will now cleansed for brining such ugliness to this land!," and with that Morselt took the key, Astema, form his pocket and thrust it into the key hole. Suddenly the key began to glow gold in colour, Morselt released his grasp upon it, and soon it shone like a sun beam falling through the branches of trees. Far below the battling forces saw this, the forces of Envilal stopped and stared transfixed, while the forces from Ormatha fled from what they knew was about to happen. Up in Envilal's Fortress of Doom a great cry was heard, a cry like the sound of great despair and fear.

Morselt reached down to the key once more and turned it, a sound like a far off eagles cry was heard for a moment and then the door of Asterma was opened. At once the pure Elvish water came flowing like a great river, the water sparkled like the evening stars. Morselt gazed at his ancestral water as it flowed, never before had he seen anything so clear and pure. Down he watched it flow, down the slopes of the Torga Mountains and into the Yimata forest he saw it flow. The great burning forest was quenched, the evil forces of Envilal were drowned and washed away like ash. The water reached the Fortress of Doom and touched Envilal who instantly burst into flame and was forever put out. The great evil of Envilal was destroyed and the realm he once owned was now covered by a lake of pure elvish water, the lake of Asterma.

Thus are the recordings of the 4th year of Yenta of how the great evil of Envilal came to power and how it was destroyed by the ancient elvish river in the Torga Mountains. But the story of the Ormatha Lands do not end there, but that is a whole other story.


Recorded by Matthew Grafstrom