On this page are the shipsets that I made for Space Empires 3.
To download a shipset click on it's image, you can also download all of the including the description file of each shipset Here.
Vokell's ancient battle fleet when we where known as the Patac. These ships have all been retrofitted and are still in use.
The Imperial Throne protection fleet, these ships are there to protect the Emperor from enemies.
Phantom Imperial Throne protection fleet, these are the ships that always travel with the Emperor.
V.I.E.R. fleet, used for espionage and other V.I.E.R. projects.
The Vokell Empire's main battle-fleet, these ships can be seen all around the Empire and on the front-lines of war.
The main exploration fleet of the Vokell Empire, it's designs are inspired heavily by ships of the Heromsal Domency.
Non-Vokell Fleets
This is the Mok Empire, our bitter enemy and still unconquered.
This is the Scorpio Republican Navy which belonged to a empire called the Insectoids who were once a very powerful force in one of our conquered galaxies.