Racial Traits
Average Height: 5 Feet 9 Inches
Average Weight: 150 Pounds
Average Age: 500 to 700 YearsPhysical Abilities: Every Vokell has a physical ability to heal wounds dealt to them through weapons or self infliction. The Vokell body can heal from projectile weapons or energy weapons in around 2 to 5 second, making it very difficult to kill a Vokell. Every time a Vokell is forced to heal they use up some of the bodies "stored energy" and must replace it afterwards through either eating or resting.
Along with the healing ability every Vokell has a defensive genetic weapon within their palms. If need be a Vokell emit a powerful blast of bio-electric energy that is capable of dealing great damage against living tissue. This weapon however is extremely dangerous to perform as it nearly drains the body of it's "stored energy." If used during combat a combatant will have almost no energy remaining for another blast or for healing, therefore it is almost always a last chance attack.
Environment: The Vokell are extremely adaptable to almost any environment that they are placed in, some colonies have even been known to thrive unassisted on zero atmosphere planets. This adaptability comes from the fact that a Vokell does not require atmosphere of any kind to survive meaning colonies generally do very well once established. However, planets that contain atmosphere of nitrogen/oxygen are preferred due to the obvious advantages they offer in the way of plants, animals and communication. The preferred temperature for Vokells is generally considered almost tropical to many races at approximately 38 degrees Celsius.
Identifying Traits: The average Vokell has similar looks to the species "Terran" but not to the point of being mistaken as one. The first noticeable difference one would see is their eyes, the part that you would see as white on a "Terran" is instead a "whitish-blue" color and the iris is slightly larger as well. The iris color ranges all along the color spectrum, the most prominent being a very dark blue, almost navy blue. If you were one were to look at the palm of a Vokell they'd see firstly that there are no fingerprints and almost right in the middle of the palm is a shallow indentation around 1 inch in diameter, the spot the bio-electric blast is forced from. Both the males and females of the species grow hair from the tops of their heads, however that is the only place hair can be grown, there are no men with beards or moustaches. Some Vokell have also been known to have extreme skills in mentally controlling their healing ability to the point of being able to change their outer features to the point where they are no longer recognizable as the same person. This is a rare ability and not nearly as extensive as the "Borfalkian" ability of full body shape changing into more then humanoid forms.