Government Structure
Government Type: Imperium
Government Demeanor: Xenophobic Conquerors
Government Head: Emperor/Empress
Official Government Name: High CommandGovernment Structure: At the head of the High Command sits the Emperor, High Command consists of 12 Councilors and 12 Advisors. The councilors are officially elected representatives who have been chosen to put forth issues concerning the empire, they are elected by a lower section of representatives. These lower representatives are directly responsible for making sure concerns are voiced to the 12 Councilors that come from leaders from planets across the empire. Two of the lower representatives are Borfalkian officials to sit as witnesses and for opinions provided by the Borfalkian Empire. The 12 Advisors are directly chosen by the Emperor to do what their name suggests, advise on decisions. As a whole the High Command can pass laws, however if a decision has been made by the Emperor it can not be overturned or changed by High Command, just suggested for change.